Party Photography & Video

Provides you with unforgettable memories from the night.

Unleash the power of unforgettable memories with our exceptional Party Photography and Video services. From the lively beats of the dance floor to captured, talented photographers and videographers are dedicated to capturing every precious moment of your event.

With an eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, we ensure that your party’s essence and joyous atmosphere are preserved in the most captivating way possible. Our cutting-edge equipment and artistic approach will bring out the best in every shot and frame. Trust us to transform your event into an enduring visual masterpiece, allowing you to relive the excitement and happiness time and time again. Don’t let these precious memories fade away; let us be your ultimate party memory creators. Book our Party Photography and Video services now and turn your event into an everlasting source of joy and nostalgia.

Record your special moments

We will use only talented photographers

Cost of Wedding DJ

We have an eye for story telling

Capturing moments that will fill you with nostalgia for your special night

When watching the YouTube video please ensure 1080HD is selected to enhance your viewing experience.

You can also find more videos on Allan Cross’ DJSC Youtube channel here:


Party Photography & Video

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DJ Services Cornwall

21 Bucklers Lane
Saint Austell,
PL25 3JN

Open: Monday-Sunday 9am-5pm
Phone: 07739 718281
Email: [email protected]

Rating: 5 stars out of 125 reviews on Google Business.
Out of a scale: 1 - 5.

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